We are a group of members formed with different characteristic - shopping lover, 'chatty', nutty, and blissful. But, we have one thing in common, which is our goal in striving for a good grades in our assignment and never be a last minute group.
So, here we are, Quatre-Ecomz, presenting to you with our very best effort in the topic of E-commerce - the world of online business through the World Wide Web.
As technology is getting more advances, everyone can easily access to the internet by just clicking one button. When a person connects its personal computer to a network and start communicating with others, the person is facing security threat such as computer viruses, Trojan horses and spyware. Most business that has made the move towards an online presence have experienced security threat to their business since the internet is a public system which each and every transaction can be tracked, logged, monitored and stored by hackers.
Security has three main concepts: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality allows only authorized parties to read protected information. Integrity ensures data remains as is from the sender to the receiver. Availability ensures you have access and are authorized to resources.
Computer viruses, Trojan horses and spyware are normally hidden in the useful programs with malicious intent. Computer viruses are a piece of software code which are able to insert itself into a host and designed to threaten or modify the actions or data of the host device or system without consent. On the other hand, Trojan horses appear to be useful but actually are the mask destructive program by stealing information, altering it or cause other problems to the computer. Spyware attacks are something that we are probably all familiar with, as they are the most common online security threat faced by Internet users. This is a simple program that is designed to steal information from your computer without your knowledge.
In today e-business world, online fraud is getting more popular due to the advancement of technology. Online fraud involves Internet transaction where user uses fake identity, qualification, recommendation letter etc. Identity theft is one major form of online fraud or misrepresentation. Thieves can steal users’ information such as name, credit card numbers and back account details to commit crimes and frauds with other people identity. This is one of the reasons for which it is critical for consumers and organisations to equip themselves with appropriate computer security tools which serve to prevent such interceptions. Alternatively, data theft is a term used to describe not only the theft of information but also unauthorised glance and manipulation of private data.
Well, there are many ways to terminate our data from being distorted without our consent and authorization. There are simple and effective ways to reduce the risk to an acceptable level without spending large amount of money.
i. Spam- Is a program or software which helps us to ‘cleans’ our emails of spam and removes viruses at the same time ensuring what we receive in our mail inbox is safe and relevant.
ii. Firewalls- Is a network designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. This is a set of device that configured permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt or proxy all (in and out) computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules.
iii. Anti-Virus software- Anti virus software are used to prevent, detect and remove malware including computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses. In addition, it may also prevent and remove adware, spyware and other forms of malware. Having a superior anti virus software is very important as it can help user to prevent their information from being stolen by hacker. There are many types of anti virus software such as McAfee VirusScan and Norton Antivirus.
In a nutshell, every individual plays an important roles in maintaining own data from being abuse and embezzle in order to enhance the internet security. Related useful link: - Georgia Tech - Wikipedia - TechFAQ - IT Online
Even our paid subscriptions (like newsletters or online games) now have been the target of these hackers. We all should arm ourselves with knowledge about online security to battle this circumstance. Check this article: http://www.articlerich.com/Article/Safety-in-the-World-of-Warcraft/561559 I'm sure you'll learn a lot from it.
Even our paid subscriptions (like newsletters or online games) now have been the target of these hackers. We all should arm ourselves with knowledge about online security to battle this circumstance. Check this article: http://www.articlerich.com/Article/Safety-in-the-World-of-Warcraft/561559 I'm sure you'll learn a lot from it.
July 14, 2009 at 12:59 PMPost a Comment